Past lives
Past lives

past lives

What kind of family were the Sargoods? How are they different from your family? What difference did the size of the family make to how they lived? What if they weren’t rich?ĭifferences and similarities in family structures and the role of family groups today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time (VCHHK059) Ripponlea and Como: Write a short report about the people who built the houses. describing a significant person or place from their community’s past, for example, a short report on a building of significance describing when, where, why, who built it, and why it is valued, or a biography on a significant individual.Identify the significance of a person and/or place in the local community. How are old houses different from modern homes? Ripponlea and Como: Learn about how children lived in the past compared to now. identifying features of a site, such as dates, decorations and plaques on buildings, that reveal its past.distinguishing between what is old and what is new, using such clues as the condition of the object.Identify examples of continuity and change in family life and in the local area by comparing past and present. suggesting ideas about what objects from the past may have been used for.Ripponlea and Como: Learn about life in the past. inviting parents, grandparents and elders into the classroom to communicate about their childhoods and comparing their favourite toys with those of children today.exploring stories from and about the past, for example letters, diaries, radio or television programs.Identify perspectives about changes to daily life from people in the past or present (VCHHC055) discussing with parents and grandparents about life in the past.The Education program at Como House covers nearly all the History Content expected for Foundation to Level 2.

past lives

Make a Booking or get more information by clicking the link below. special servant games include ‘The Waiters Race’ and ‘Which Bell is that?’.tour of the mansion and an explanation of the family who lived here.Our costumed servants will introduce students to the complex social world of a family the 19th Century. The program explores the story of the wealthy pastoralist Armytage family who lived at Como from the nineteenth and into the twentieth centuries. This is an ideal program for Then and Now activities and covers curriculum requirements in History and Geography for those year levels.Ĭomo House is a beautiful nineteenth century mansion and garden with a remarkable family history.

#Past lives full

We offer a full day program with professional facilitators who run a variety of activities from Foundation to Yr 6 for groups of between 30 and 60 students.

Past lives